Tag: <span>Universal Analytics</span>

Google Analytics 4 The Guidebook

Google Analytics 4: The Guidebook

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a comprehensive analytics solution for online and mobile applications. It allows you to analyze how users interact with your platform and alter your marketing efforts to improve engagement. GA4 tracks data differently than the previous Universal Analytics (UA). Back in October, Google announced the biggest important improvement to Universal Analytics yet. Google Analytics 4. There is a lot to learn from significant changes, and it's reasonable to question how this may affect your career or company. While there is no indication that classic GA is going away anytime soon, new properties now default to GA4. This is a clear indication that studying Google Analytics 4 is worth prioritizing.

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We are experts in Tags and Tracking Services. With experience in eCommerce and Custom Conversion tracking, Server Side Tagging, and Data tracking to help you get the advantage of ACCURATE data for better decision making. With more than 6 years of experience, We have already delivered more than 500 projects.