Google Analytics 4 Server Side eCommerce Setup

Google Analytics 4 Server Side eCommerce Setup

Google Analytics 4 eCommerce Tracking is critical for determining the effectiveness of your website and marketing efforts. It’s quite tough to make judgments that will improve your site and develop your business if you don’t have data.
We at Incisiveranking setup GA4 eCommerce tracking through Google Tag Manager for:

Enhanced eCommerce tracking Events:
Product Impression
Product Click
Product PageView

Custom Conversion Events:
✔ Contact Form Submission
✔ CallToClick & Mail Clicks
✔ Outbound tracking
✔ Button/link tracking

Is your GA4 Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking correctly implemented?

Is your GA4 Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking correctly implemented?

What are GA4 eCommerce Events?

GA4 eCommerce Events lets you track specific user interactions, behaviours, and goals/events on your website or app. Unlike GA4’s normal events, which are predefined, these events are tailored to your specific business needs, giving you unprecedented freedom and control over your data. You can get the various parameters (like sales amount, number of orders, location, order value, etc.) which will help you to define the revenue and make corrective decisions on expenses.

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Let’s Audit First, Why is it Required?

Tracking errors can greatly affect your Data, Conversion Reporting, strategic Decision-Making and that Cost you in Revenue.

First, I audit your website’s current Tag & Tracking configuration. Then I will share errors/recommendations with their solutions as the best practices the industry follows. I can also help you to implement it the right way.

I am available here!

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About Us

We are experts in Tags and Tracking Services. With experience in eCommerce and Custom Conversion tracking, Server Side Tagging, and Data tracking to help you get the advantage of ACCURATE data for better decision making. With more than 6 years of experience, We have already delivered more than 500 projects.