Why do E-Commerce Shopping Store Sales data don’t match with Analytics/Conversion Data?
None of the tracking technology is guarantee for 100% data collection as accurate to the online store.
Now a day, e-commerce values being reported are not consistent across the different platforms. Blocked Third-party cookies and Tracking codes are the main reasons behind it.Server-side tracking is only one solution to fire tracking code from a First-party cookie.
- Your Tracking Code does not always fire. ?
Sometimes your Tracking Code is not fired/executed because a user has disabled JavaScript or is using a browser plugin (like Ads Blocker), which does not execute the tracking code.
Now a Day, Browser come with an advanced privacy protection feature to block third party tags by default. like Safari Browser (Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP)), Brave browser (Brave Shield), Mozilla browser (Enhance Tracking Protection), etc. In such cases, a third party tag is not allowed to fire the tag on a page so the analytics platform will never record that session data of visitor activity but your online shopping store ( Shopify, woocommerce, etc) can still record session data. Server-Side Tracking is only one solution for this 1&2 issues.
Sometimes your Tracking Code is not executed because of some server-side issues. In such cases also, CTF will not record sales data but your online shopping store can still record sales data.
Sometimes Thank-you/Order-summary page takes more time to load ( Maybe Server is late response while handling more requests/traffic or Internet issues. ) and the customer closes the tab before executing the tracking code. In such a case, CTF will not record sales data but your online shopping store can still record sales data.
Data is temporarily out of sync.
If both Conversion Tracking Platforms (CTF) and your online shopping store are configured to report data in different Time Zones or different Currency then the data would be temporarily out of sync.
- You are not sending all of the required data with tracking code execution.
- Currency Conversion issues.
Both Conversion Tracking Platforms (CTF) and your Online Store can handle currency conversion differently.
- If your website supports multiple currencies during checkout this could create a data discrepancy issue between CTF and your online Store.
Last but not least, the Conversion Tracking Platform (CTF) is not an accounting software
CTF was never designed to act as accounting software so we can’t expect 100% accuracy in sales data from it.
Also, it is highly unlikely that the CTF sales data will exactly match with your online shopping store/accounting software data if your website receives a lot of cancellations, refunds, and unfulfilled orders on a daily/weekly/monthly basis and/or you provide promo codes, discounts, etc.
Source and for more detail with a clarification:
Let’s Audit First, Why is it Required?
Tracking errors can greatly affect your Data, Conversion Reporting, strategic Decision-Making and that Cost you in Revenue.
First, I audit your website’s current Tag & Tracking configuration. Then I will share errors/recommendations with their solutions as the best practices the industry follows. I can also help you to implement it the right way.